Connect on Base

Step-by-step instructions for connecting to HaloFi

We make use of the Base network to run our Base savings challenges.

What is Base?

Base is an open platform for financial applications developed by Coinbase. You can think of it like an awesome playground for decentralized finance that delivers benefits like faster transactions, lower costs and superior security. You can easily onboard from the Coinbase exchange and elsewhere.

Learn more about Base

Base is a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly Ethereum L2 built to aims to bring the next billion users onchain. It is built on top of Optimism's OP Stack.

To learn more about Base:

Connecting to HaloFi on Base

To access our services, you will need a Web3-enabled wallet, browser or mobile app that can connect to Polygon.

Supported wallets

Other wallets

1. Connect your Wallet

Please go to your Dashboard on . Click the following button:

Alternatively, click on Get Started

Your browser will present you the following options:

We advise to select 'MetaMask' if you are accessing the website from a laptop or desktop. For mobile users, we recommend to use Coinbase Wallet.

How to connect your MetaMask Wallet

If it's your first time accessing HaloFi, your wallet will ask you to connect your preferred wallet account. An example how this looks like in Metamask:

Click on Next and Connect

Great, you're almost there!

Switching your wallet to the Base network

In case your wallet is still connected to another network (e.g. Ethereum, Polygon, Base or BSC), you will be asked to change the network in your wallet.

Either click on the 'Change network' button

or confirm the automatic prompt:

Note that some wallets, like Frame and Rabby, automatically switch networks. Alternatively, you can use this tool (Chainlist) to set up your wallet for Polygon.

You can see wether your wallet is connected, in the top right corner.

Great your wallet has now been set up, and you're connected to the HaloFi website! If the Dashboard page does not show up automatically, refresh the page.

2. Next Steps

Join and Complete a Challenge

Digital tokens can easily be bridged between Base and other blockchains. See our guides.

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Last updated