
A list of our deployed savings pool smart contracts

You can find a list of all our deployed smart contracts on Dune Analytics

All our smart contract addresses can be found in our onchain registry on Celo, Polygon and Base. There, all smart contract addresses of the HaloFi savings challenges and yield strategies are registered.

How does the onchain registries work?

New addresses are added to the registry viaaddContract by the HaloFi deployer. This function accepts an array of addresses, so multiple contracts can be added in the same call. Upon doing so, the following event is emitted: LOG_NEW_POOL(address indexed caller, address indexed pool)

Example: Where 0x21dd4a4c744058c524aa22d3294e5bcb652f36a8 and 0x555aa40417160febe64b1904294c7f9e0359b7b6 where registered. Respectively, a HaloFi savings challenge (Pool.sol) and yield strategy contract (AaveStrategyV3.sol) were registered.

Old contracts (2021 - 2022)

v2 (Pool.sol)

v1 (GoodGhostingPolygon.sol & GoodGhosting.sol)

Last updated