πŸš€GoodGhosting evolves into HaloFi

Introducing version 2.0

HaloFi helps you to make saving easy, fun and rewarding. We create social savings challenges that use blockchain technology to reward dedicated savers and investors. We are all about improving your financial habits by helping you to save and invest, in a fun way.


Our updated protocol now supports a wider range of digital assets and yield strategies, including new concepts such as the Hold pool which rewards long-term asset holding. This means you can earn even more rewards while saving towards your personal goals. We are excited to open up our platform to any community, DAO or company looking to encourage its members to stack and hold any ERC-20 token on Polygon or Celo. With our transparent and user-friendly platform, we are committed to providing a reliable and engaging savings experience. Let us know what you would like to see!

What's new compared to GoodGhosting v1?

More and modular yield strategies

Savings challenges can now be deployed with one of our many yield strategies. The strategy will be chosen and fixed at the time of the smart contract deployment. This means you can now choose to join challenges in various risk categories, and save in different currencies.

Support for a wider range of digital currencies (any ERC-20)

We now support the creation of savings challenges with a wider range of digital assets. Due to our integrations with external platforms (like Aave, Moola, Mobius and Curve) we can generate yield for 20+ assets. These include both stablecoins and more volatile assets. Additionally, we are no longer restricted to assets that are available on lending markets. We can now deploy savings pools without any yield generation. In theory, we can support most of the available ERC-20 tokens on Polygon and Celo.

Custom deposit amounts for each player (optional)

Some challenges allow for flexible deposit amounts. When enabled, everyone can decide how much they want to deposit into a HaloFi challenge. This means you can now choose the total amount of money you would like to save, that fits most to your needs.

Once you join the challenge with a specific deposit amount, all next deposits in that challenge will have to be of the same amount. There will be a deposit limit for each player. This functionality will be enabled on a challenge-by-challenge basis, at time of smart contract deployment.

Flexible deposit round and waiting round lengths (optional)

Deposit rounds can now have a different duration than the final waiting round in a challenge. This allows for novel challenge concepts with interesting dynamics. e.g. a Hold challenge - where one or more deposit rounds are followed by a longer waiting round (before full withdrawal is possible). This makes it easier for someone to commit to long-term holding a certain token. It also reduces the number of necessary smart contract interactions.

Early depositors get rewarded more fairly

Reward distributions are now taking into account the total time (and amount) a user has deposited into a savings challenge. The sooner a player deposits in each segment, the bigger their share of the challenge's generated interest and rewards. Thereby increasing fairness to all depositors.

What's the same as in GoodGhosting v1?

Rewarding recurring users via financial gamification

The core concept of HaloFi remains the same. We use game-design elements to reward users who hit their savings target (i.e. winners) more so than users who do not. Players can join a savings challenge with other players that share the same goal. To win, players need to make a deposit into the savings challenge every round, prior to the round’s deadline. By making all your deposits, you earn a slice of the challenge's rewards! For all yield-generating strategies, the generated yield will be shared proportionally with all winning players in the challenge. Hence, the more people that do not hit their savings target, the greater the rewards for the winners! πŸ‘» πŸ’Έ In our low risk challenges, players that miss a deposit can still get their initial deposit back at the end of the challenge. These challenges can be considered no-loss. Challenges create a social, gamified and incentivised environment to save.

Savings challenges have a fixed duration

Each savings challenge runs for a fixed amount of time. There are one or more deposit rounds (where you deposit a specific asset into the savings challenge smart contract), followed by a single waiting round. The duration of both the deposit and waiting round are determined at time of challenge creation. This means each challenge has a predictable fixed end date. After which you can withdraw your funds and earned rewards (with no time limit).

Deposit and withdrawals take place in the same currency

You will always receive back the same type of currency (i.e. digital token) that was used for depositing in the pool. Even though our advanced yield strategies may have exposure to different assets, this is abstracted away by automatically swapping in- and out of the necessary assets.

Find out about all details on our Github and FAQ:

In addition to the protocol updates, we've also enhanced our user interface with several new cosmetic features. For more information about these updates, please read our blog or consult our HaloFi Guides.

Last updated